how to

How to Model a 3D Site from Google Earth in Under 60 Seconds | 3D Topography Site Terrain Model Tutorial

How to Model a 3D Site from Google Earth in Under 60 Seconds | 3D Topography Site Model Tutorial

Create 3D models of terrain, contours and topography using accurate data from Google Earth using Sketchup and Rhino. THE MOST UNDERRATED SITE MODELLING TOOL EVER.

In this Sketchup and Rhino tutorial, you’ll learn how to model a 3D site in less than 60 seconds.

It involves geo-locating a site from Google Earth in Sketchup, and then transferring that model to Rhinoceros 3D to create a NURBS surface 3D model of the chosen site.

This is something I’ve only just discovered after spending 2 hours+ modelling a site from referencing a contour map – and thought – surely there’s a better way to do this.

Sure enough, Sketchup and Rhino have a solution.

I hope you find this helpful!

How to Stay Motivated to Become an Architect – Interview with Vesal

How to Stay Motivated to Become an Architect – Interview with Vesal | SAS Podcast 22

It’s difficult to stay consistently motivated to do something. Vesal from Karaj, Iran, has been motivated to study architecture for the past 6 years and nothing is stopping her.

On today’s episode of the Successful Archi Student’s Podcast, Vesal and I talk about how you can stay persistently motivated to study architecture, how you can prepare for architecture school and what you should fear before starting.

Vesal shares her experiences and journey with us on episode 22.

What is the Best Computer for Architecture Students? How to Choose a Laptop or PC to Buy?

What is the Best Computer for Architecture Students? How to Choose a Laptop or PC to Buy? – SAS Podcast 16

Laptop or PC? What specs? How much RAM? What CPU? What GPU? What storage device? How can I choose the best? Which one do I buy? There are so many variations of computers that architecture students can choose from. It can be quite overwhelming.

In today’s episode of the Successful Architecture Student’s Podcast, I explain whether you should buy a PC or Laptop for architecture school and which one is the best. I also explain how you can decide what hardware you need, and the difference your RAM, CPU Processor, GPU Processor and Storage Devices have on the work you do.