study architecture

What Do You Learn in Architecture School - What to Expect to Study as an Architecture Student

What Do You Learn in Architecture School? What to Expect to Study as an Architecture Student

Nearing the end of my architectural bachelor’s degree, I wanted to share what I’ve learnt over the past 3 years of architecture school so that you can know what to expect as an architecture student.

I want to look over all the classes I’ve had and what I’ve had to do for those classes. This should help you understand the kind of work you’ll be doing in architecture school and what you can expect to learn. I also want to share with you some advice that I wish I knew if I could go back in time.

So, let’s rewind all the way back to day 1 as an architecture student.

Advice for First Year Architecture Students Starting Architecture School

048: Advice for First Year Architecture Students Starting Architecture School – Tips from the Course Coordinator

Starting architecture school soon and need some advice? Chris Morley, UniSA’s first year course coordinator shares with me (a third-year student) his best advice for starting architecture school.

Chris talks about what separates “successful” students from “unsuccessful” students, and the key factors that will help you throughout your first years of studying architecture.

Architecture Competitions, Late Nights, App Idea for Architects & Side Hustle as a Student

Architecture Competitions, Late Nights, App Idea for Architects & Side Hustle as a Student | SAS Podcast 23 with Chaim Lieder

Imagine taking a photo of a building and instantly getting access to all the information about it. From what materials it uses, who the design team was, year of completion and so forth. With Chaim Lieder’s app idea for architects and students, you’d be able to do just that.

On today’s podcast episode, I talk with Chaim about how you can enter and win architecture competitions, how to avoid late nights and manage your time better, Chaim’s app idea and how to manage and balance a side hobby or hustle while in architecture school.

How to Stay Motivated to Become an Architect – Interview with Vesal

How to Stay Motivated to Become an Architect – Interview with Vesal | SAS Podcast 22

It’s difficult to stay consistently motivated to do something. Vesal from Karaj, Iran, has been motivated to study architecture for the past 6 years and nothing is stopping her.

On today’s episode of the Successful Archi Student’s Podcast, Vesal and I talk about how you can stay persistently motivated to study architecture, how you can prepare for architecture school and what you should fear before starting.

Vesal shares her experiences and journey with us on episode 22.