048: Advice for First Year Architecture Students Starting Architecture School – Tips from the Course Coordinator

Starting architecture school soon and need some advice?

Chris Morley, UniSA’s first year course coordinator shares with me (a third-year student) his best advice for starting architecture school.

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Advice for First Year Architecture Students Starting Architecture School

Chris talks about what separates “successful” students from “unsuccessful” students, and the key factors that will help you throughout your first years of studying architecture.

The video above is Chris sharing his best advice for first year architecture students starting architecture school taken from the 3 part video interview with Chris Morley.

Part 1 of the interview talks about the importance of networking – “The Key to Success as an Architecture Student – Networking 101”

Part 2 of the interview is all about Chris’s work with the University of South Australia, the best advice he has for students to succeed – “Architecture Tutor’s Best Advice for Succeeding in Architecture School”

Part 3 of the interview is a conversation about Chris’s professional life. From working as a student drafter back in his time at University, to now running his own practice called Echelon Studios – “How to Run Your Own Architectural Firm as a Sole Practitioner”

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Chris is also the co-chair of South Australia’s Emerging Architects + Graduates Network (EmAGN) as well as sole practitioner for his practice Echelon Studios.

Chris’s involvement with the University has given him much experience and has allowed him to identify common habits across successful and unsuccessful students and their projects.

In this episode, he breaks down what he’s learned over his 10+ years of experience as a University tutor, including what makes a student stand out in first year.

Advice for First Year Architecture Students Starting Architecture School

“Successful students – the habits they have…


Ask a question when you don’t know the answer.

Engagement is certainly one of those things.”