architecture student

101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School (But Wish I Had) with Architect Sarah Lebner

101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School (But Wish I Had) with Architect Sarah Lebner

The world of architecture is huge. Architects need to know how buildings go together, how to deal with clients, the industry, technology, business and how to design. Your formal education covers how to design. So, what about everything else?

Today’s guest is an award-winning Principle Architect at Lighthouse Architecture and Science, and author of “101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School (And Wish I Had Known Before My First Job), Sarah Lebner.

How to Model a 3D Site from Google Earth in Under 60 Seconds | 3D Topography Site Terrain Model Tutorial

How to Model a 3D Site from Google Earth in Under 60 Seconds | 3D Topography Site Model Tutorial

Create 3D models of terrain, contours and topography using accurate data from Google Earth using Sketchup and Rhino. THE MOST UNDERRATED SITE MODELLING TOOL EVER.

In this Sketchup and Rhino tutorial, you’ll learn how to model a 3D site in less than 60 seconds.

It involves geo-locating a site from Google Earth in Sketchup, and then transferring that model to Rhinoceros 3D to create a NURBS surface 3D model of the chosen site.

This is something I’ve only just discovered after spending 2 hours+ modelling a site from referencing a contour map – and thought – surely there’s a better way to do this.

Sure enough, Sketchup and Rhino have a solution.

I hope you find this helpful!

Architecture Competitions, Late Nights, App Idea for Architects & Side Hustle as a Student

Architecture Competitions, Late Nights, App Idea for Architects & Side Hustle as a Student | SAS Podcast 23 with Chaim Lieder

Imagine taking a photo of a building and instantly getting access to all the information about it. From what materials it uses, who the design team was, year of completion and so forth. With Chaim Lieder’s app idea for architects and students, you’d be able to do just that.

On today’s podcast episode, I talk with Chaim about how you can enter and win architecture competitions, how to avoid late nights and manage your time better, Chaim’s app idea and how to manage and balance a side hobby or hustle while in architecture school.

How Much Money Does an Architect Make? An Architect’s Salary

How Much Money Does an Architect Make? An Architect’s Salary | SAS Podcast 20

Architect’s earn a lot of money, right? How much do graduate architects earn?

I’ll be honest, it’s not a whole lot. But that shouldn’t matter, and here’s why. . .

Before a student of architecture can call themselves an “architect”, they need to spend 5 years studying an unforgiving and cruel profession.

For the next 2-4 years, they are required to work for menial wages to “log experience”.

Hang on in there, it gets better.

After those 7-9 years of gruesome late nights and harsh critics, they can call themselves an architect.


Now they get to earn, on average, a considerable amount less than what graduates of similar professions make, in reference to the time it takes to get accredited. For example, dentists and doctors.

So if you think architects earn a lot of money, I suggest you think again.


Well, if you watch the video – I’ll tell you why it shouldn’t bother you!

I’ll also explain how you can make yourself more valuable so that the industry (your clients or employers) will want to pay you more.

3 Ways You Can Practice Architecture Outside of University | SAS Podcast 19

3 Ways You Can Practice Architecture Outside of University | SAS Podcast 19

It takes a lot of hard work to become an architect. To improve yourself by practicing architecture outside of your University education will really help increase your chances of succeeding in the industry of architecture.

Doing so allows you to gain extra skills that make you more valuable in the workplace, do better projects in architecture school and improve your knowledge in the world of architecture.

The more you know, the more you can do and the more you do, the more you can know.
In today’s episode, I explain 3 things you can do to make yourself more valuable in the industry as an architect, and during your education as a student.

What is the Best Computer for Architecture Students? How to Choose a Laptop or PC to Buy?

What is the Best Computer for Architecture Students? How to Choose a Laptop or PC to Buy? – SAS Podcast 16

Laptop or PC? What specs? How much RAM? What CPU? What GPU? What storage device? How can I choose the best? Which one do I buy? There are so many variations of computers that architecture students can choose from. It can be quite overwhelming.

In today’s episode of the Successful Architecture Student’s Podcast, I explain whether you should buy a PC or Laptop for architecture school and which one is the best. I also explain how you can decide what hardware you need, and the difference your RAM, CPU Processor, GPU Processor and Storage Devices have on the work you do.

The Most Important Thing To Know as an Architecture Student (& Before Becoming One)

The Most Important Thing To Know as an Architecture Student (& Before Becoming One) | SAS Podcast 15

Last week, I asked the Instagram community of Architecture students (@successfularchistudent) what they thought was the most important thing to know as an architecture student (or if you want to become one).

I was genuinely amazed at the responses I had gotten. Students from all over the world summed up what they thought was the most important thing to know as an architecture student, and it inspired me to make a video about their replies.

In this episode, I share responses from @trigger444, @egle313, @logori96, @seanbroomy, @dlau0741, @andrejriger, @edurom.48 and @_honnappa. Thank you so much!

15 Architecture Student Memes That’ll Make You Laugh . . . And Then Cry – The Best Architecture Memes

35 Architecture Student Memes That’ll Make You Laugh . . . And Then Cry – The Best Architecture Memes

The best architecture student memes that’ll make you laugh . . . and then cry.

Join me on this emotional roller-coaster and experience some regretfully relatable architecture student memes.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a high school student, college or university student, graduate or practicing architect. These relatable architecture memes will brighten up your day.

How to Study Less and Get Better Results in University/College – The -5 +50 RULE for Students

How to Study Less and Get Better Results in University/College – The -5 +50 RULE for Students | SAS Podcast 14

“How can I study less while getting better grades in university/school/college?” In today’s episode, I explain how you can use the “-5+50 rule” to get better results while studying less as a student.

It’s all about preparation. Invest your time initially by organising, understanding and preparing. You will then reap the compounding effect of the investment as your semester goes on.