These are 7 secret tips for studying architecture, the habits of successful architecture students that they don’t teach you in architecture school.
I’m going to absolutely spill my brain and knowledge into this episode.
I’ve put together 7 MASSIVE tips to help you become a successful architecture student. Let’s get straight into the 7 tips for studying architecture.
7 Tips for Studying Architecture
The Secret Habits of Successful Architecture Students
Tip number 1. Have a plan.
It’s easy to lose sight of what the point of doing all this work is for.
If you have a clearly defined plan and reason for studying architecture, short term and long term, you’re going to be able to use that as your north star to guide you.
Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years? How does studying architecture now in this very moment bring you closer to that goal? The key here is to have ambitions for the future – have a definitive plan for achieving those ambitions and consider what role studying architecture has in that journey.
That leads into tip number 2. Your grades don’t matter.
If you have a plan for the future and you’re working towards it, one step at a time. It doesn’t matter how little those steps are. Any failures or defeats, such as a bad grade, is only a temporary defeat.
If you know you’re putting in 110%, you know you’ll be getting better every day. These temporary defeats, or bad grades are meaningless in the long term of your goals.
This also rolls into tip 3. Use your grades and feedback to get better.
It doesn’t matter if you get a bad grade. But you need to use the feedback to improve for next time.
“It’s okay to make a mistake. It’s not okay to make the same mistake twice.”
You need to learn from the work you do to progressively get better. When you fail a class or project, take ownership of it and look at how you can improve for next time.
Make mistakes. Adapt to them and improve for next time, even if it’s only by 1%.
For tip number 4 I want to say that studying architecture is stressful. But there are 2 types of stress.
The first type of stress is when you’ve left your project to the last minute, you’re not sleeping because you have to work on your project. You’re frustrated and anxious about finishing on time. That’s called distress. That’s not good.
When you present in front of your class, it might feel awkward. You might be anxious and nervous. But by doing so you’re stepping outside your comfort zone and you’re getting better at presenting in front of people. After you present you often think, “well that wasn’t so bad. I feel good.” That’s the good type of stress. That’s called eustress.
My point here is to push yourself outside your comfort zone. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations that you don’t want to do. Sure, it might suck in that moment, but that’s how you fast-track your education and get better at things.
As an architecture student, have a “give it a go” mentality. Just “give it a go” and you’ll be surprised what you can do and how much faster you’ll learn.
Tip number 5 for students studying architecture: This is cliché but use this as a reminder. Don’t procrastinate. Time management. Get the right amount of sleep.
The more time you spend on a project, the higher your grade will be, typically speaking.
Sacrifice binging Netflix and scrolling through Instagram to work on your projects.
Put in the hard work now, and you’ll be able to kick back later.
If you kick back now, you’ll have to put in the hard work later, plus more.
While on the topic of your health, tip number 6 is to eat and drink healthy.
What you put in is what you get out. It makes a huge difference.
If you often get headaches, feel tired, run down, weak or depressed, scientifically speaking, it’s a good chance you’re not eating well. On top of that, make sure you drink plenty of water.
If you treat yourself well, you’ll be able to produce a lot more and better work.
The final tip for architecture students, number 7 is to HAVE FUN studying architecture.
You’ve chosen architecture because it’s something you’re passionate about. Don’t forget why you started and use that passion to fuel the work you do.
If you find architecture starts to get mundane or boring, take a step back and look at what got you into architecture. Was it the creativity (the drawing and rendering)? Or, perhaps the analytical (the problem solving and technical drawing)?
Also, take a look ahead. Use your vision of the future to pull you and automate your path to achieving the goals you set yourself.
Have an ambition, a north star that guides you and you’ll be motivated to keep going.
I hope you found those tips for studying architecture useful!
Resources Mentioned
Similar Episodes:
- Architecture Tutor’s BEST ADVICE for succeeding in architecture: Interview with Course Coordinator
- The 7 DEADLIEST Mistakes Architecture Students Make (How to Avoid Them)
Other Resources:
- Get access to your FREE online architecture course! 70 Hacks for Archi Students
- Check out other episodes of the Successful Archi Student’s podcast!
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