
An Architect's Advice for Group Work in Architecture School – Make it Your Advantage

045: An Architect’s Advice for Group Work in Architecture School – Make it Your Advantage

Conflicting personalities and ideas, group members not showing up and group members not doing any work. These are just a few of the many frustrating scenarios that you will experience when doing group work in architecture school.

You’d be happy to know that group work isn’t always bad times and horror stories. In fact, working in groups has been some of the most rewarding and enjoyable times during my years in architecture school.

Anthony explains how you too can make group work your distinct advantage in architecture school by bridging his practice with educational work.

101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School (But Wish I Had) with Architect Sarah Lebner

101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School (But Wish I Had) with Architect Sarah Lebner

The world of architecture is huge. Architects need to know how buildings go together, how to deal with clients, the industry, technology, business and how to design. Your formal education covers how to design. So, what about everything else?

Today’s guest is an award-winning Principle Architect at Lighthouse Architecture and Science, and author of “101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School (And Wish I Had Known Before My First Job), Sarah Lebner.