
Architecture Student/School Frequently Asked Questions Answered | SAS Podcast 9: Q&A 1

On today’s episode of the Podcast I host the first Q&A. You ask me questions, and I answer them.

Here are some of the questions I answer today:

What should I do in highschool to be able to become an architect?
What college/university should I enrol in to study Architecture?
How do I learn AutoCAD / any architectural program/software efficiently?
Is architecture a good profession to choose?
How can I get a job in Architecture with my bachelors degree?
Which architectural software currently has the topmost demand in big architectural firms?
Is it really that hard to study architecture?

What Skills Do You Need as An Architect / Student of Architecture | SAS Podcast 7

On today’s episode, I compare the traditional skills you need (or may not need) to study architecture with some skills I think will really take your abilities to a whole new level. A lot of students ask me if they have had to learn mathematics, chemistry, physics, art or computer skills to be able to study architecture. In this episode, I hopefully clear up some misconceptions that students might have.
Specifically, I’ll talk about:
• Do you need to be good at math to study architecture?
• Do you need to be good at science to study architecture?
• Do you need to be good at art or hand drawing to study architecture?
• Do you need to be good at technology / IT / CAD to study architecture?
• What skills are actually important to learn to succeed in architecture or architecture school?
• Management of time, budget and people
• Communication/social/people skills

Why I Don’t Care About My Grades in Architecture School – the Importance of Failure | SAS Podcast 4

On today’s episode, I talk through some of my reasoning behind why I don’t care about my grades in architecture school.
Specifically, I’ll talk about:
• Learning from your grades
• The best lessons in life aren’t from your successes, but your failures
• Pushing yourself into new challenges, outside of your comfort zone.
• Caring about the opinions of others

The One Thing That Will Make You Successful | SAS Podcast 2

On today’s episode, I try to clarify what the most important tip for architecture students is and share some of the key things that successful people have in common.

Specifically, I’ll talk about:

• The impact of replacing “I can’t do that”, with “how can I do that?”
• How in this day and age, we get carried away reacting to things – social media, new trends – and how we are more and more being driven away from our own creativity and productivity.
• The importance of having a “bigger vision” in mind so that you have something to aim at.