Everything You Need To Succeed in Architecture School
Free Resources for Architecture Students
“Formal education makes one a living, but self-education makes one wealthy.”

The Successful Archi Students Podcast
You’ll hear from practicing architects, other successful students and myself, Kyle, a third year architecture student from South Australia to learn how to become a successful architecture student.

FREE Interactive Architecture Course
70 Hacks for Architecture Students – The Little Things with BIG Impacts. I’ve compiled 70 architecture hacks for students to improve Drafting, Model Making, Sketching, Organisation/Productivity, Sketchup, Photoshop and Money Saving.

Architecture Videos for Students
Video for architecture students. Tips, hacks, advice, interviews, tutorials and inspiration. Check out some great videos to help you become a successful architecture student. I post new videos every few days.

Life of an Archi Student (SNAPCHAT)
I'll be documenting the rest of my journey through architecture school. Snapchat is a way to get an insight into my day, for me to give any advice or thoughts I have and to showcase my work. Add me: ArchStudentLife

Checklists for Architecture Students
Are you on track to being a successful architecture student? Review your free checklists to find out.

Architecture Student Blog
Read up on my latest articles to help you become a better student.

Courses for Architecture Students
Give yourself the edge you need to succeed as a student. Courses for architecture programs from basic to advanced. We also provide courses that will help you succeed in life - not just as a student - focusing on topics such as finance, entrepreneurship, success, happiness, networking and so forth.

Architecture Student Library
Choose from over 30 books that will help you on your journey to becoming a Successful Archi Student. These are my favourite reads that I suggest you get your hands on.

Instagram Feed
Instagram is often a tool that distracts one from being productive. Why not follow @successfularchistudent and turn on post notifications to transform your unproductive feed into an educational source of information, inspiration and advice.

Behind Closed Doors - Documentary
Have you ever wondered what an architect does? Follow the life of an architect in this full length architecture documentary.