Why Do Architecture Students Drop Out? – 4 Reasons Why Architecture School Sucks & HOW TO BEAT THEM

Architecture school has a very high attrition rate.

Students drop out like crazy for many different reasons. Let’s find out why architecture students drop out.

In this episode (episode 50!!), I explain 4 different reasons why students drop out of architecture school.

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Why Do Architecture Students Drop Out?

Towards the end of the episode, I also explain how to beat these 4 reasons. I give my best piece of advice that helps keep me motivated and inspired to continue my architecture degree, despite it being a massive commitment.

You might be thinking of dropping out, and I want to help you decide whether you’re wasting your time, or on the path to greatness.

I want to settle your doubts and help you make the right decision to ultimately keep going with architecture, to not drop out.

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4 Reasons Why Architecture School Sucks & HOW TO BEAT THEM

You get good at what you enjoy doing.

And, you enjoy doing what you’re good at.

Stop focussing on your weaknessess and start doubling down on your strengths.”

Resources Mentioned

No resources mentioned in the quick video today, but feel free to check out other episodes of the podcast!