
How to Stay Motivated to Become an Architect – Interview with Vesal

How to Stay Motivated to Become an Architect – Interview with Vesal | SAS Podcast 22

It’s difficult to stay consistently motivated to do something. Vesal from Karaj, Iran, has been motivated to study architecture for the past 6 years and nothing is stopping her.

On today’s episode of the Successful Archi Student’s Podcast, Vesal and I talk about how you can stay persistently motivated to study architecture, how you can prepare for architecture school and what you should fear before starting.

Vesal shares her experiences and journey with us on episode 22.

Win Your First Semester of Architecture School - Interview with First Year Architecture Student Serena Rhaka

Win Your First Semester of Architecture School – Interview with First Year Architecture Student Serena Rakha | SAS Podcast 21

Going into your first year of architecture school?

Today I interview Serena Rakha from Lebanon, a student who has recently finished her first semester of architecture school.

On episode 21 of the Successful Archi Student’s Podcast, Serena shares her experiences of what to expect in your first semester of architecture school and what equipment and skills you need to do well.

Serena also shares the names of architecture books she’s found helpful along her journey and has some tips for students struggling to stay motivated.

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us Serena.