How to Scale Material Textures in Rhino and Vray – Resize Material Textures to the Correct Scale

How to Scale Material Textures in Rhino and Vray 

Resize Material Textures to the Correct Scale

Resize an object’s material texture to the correct scale with this Rhino and Vray Tutorial.

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Fix Wrong Material Scale in Rhino

I was working on my studio 6 project in Rhino, trying to create a hero shot render of my model with Vray. I noticed that the material textures weren’t displaying correctly. The scale of the textures was wrong and they were either too big or too small. This caused unwanted problems in Rhino and Vray.


To fix this issue of wrong texture scale of materials, I did this quick fix.


First, I found out what scale my model was at. For me, my studio project was at a scale of 1:500. This was to reduce the file size and allow Vray fur to work correctly. Though, this caused more headaches than not so I don’t recommend doing this unless you have to.


Next, for the material I wanted to use, I found that Vray materials showcase what scale they are meant to be at. For example, inside the material’s name is a dimension. It might be something like “20cm”, “100cm” etc.



This is the number that we need to divide by the scale our model is. Lastly, you need to figure out what units your project is in. For me, this was millimetres.

In our case, we were using a material that was meant to be 100cm (1000mm) wide. The next step was then to divide the material scale (1000mm) by the scale (500). This equated to 2.


Therefore, a 1000mm wide texture at a scale of 1:500, is displayed as 2mm instead of 1000mm.


Now we know what scale the material is at, all that’s left to do is change it.


This can be done by changing the texture mapping of the material within Rhino. Go to properties, texture mapping, apply box mapping.


The box mapping will ask you for 4 parameters. The first 3 are the dimensions of the box. For a uniform texture, this would be 2mm x 2mm x 2mm, as the current scale is 1000mm x 1000mm x 1000mm.


Therefore, you can input 2 for the width, height and depth. The final parameter simply asks whether you want it to be capped. Hit enter for yes.


There you go! You have set your material’s texture to have the correct scale and fixed the issue. Now, go render something beautiful!

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