Architecture Site Plan in Photoshop – Full Course
A Guide to Creating Beautiful Site Plans in Photoshop
Create beautiful architectural site plans in Photoshop with this complete architecture course for beginners.
What's in the Photoshop course?
Photoshop Architectural Site Plan Course – A Guide to Creating Beautiful Master Plans, Site Plans and Urban Plans in Photoshop
Get access to all 42 of the Photoshop Site Plan Course Lessons, project files, my material library, bonus eBooks and resources and more with the course on my website (link above).
Hello and welcome to the Photoshop Architectural Site Plan Course – A Guide to Creating Beautiful Master Plans, Site Plans and Urban Plans in Photoshop.
“If you have ever watched a Successful Archi Student YouTube video, you’d have noticed that Kyle is engaging, informative and entertaining.
His fast-paced, to-the-point teaching style is complemented with concise explanations, aided by comprehensive animations, images and exciting story telling.
In his first online course, you’re going to learn how to create beautiful site plans using Photoshop.”
What Will You Learn?
✔ You’ll learn how to create beautiful architectural site plans, urban plans and master plans using Photoshop.
✔ You’ll improve your overall skills and knowledge within Adobe Photoshop, Rhinoceros 3D and SketchUp.
✔ You’ll learn how to model up a site in SketchUp & Rhinoceros 3D
✔ You’ll learn how to export contours from a site model using Rhinoceros 3D
✔ You’ll gain confidence working to scale and adjusting the scale of a drawing as needed within Photoshop.
✔ You’ll gain better understanding of the vast array of tools available to you inside Photoshop.
✔ You’ll learn how to use Google Earth to act as a reference to save you time when creating site plans.
✔ You’ll gain a better understanding of colour and contrast
✔ You’ll gain a better understanding of how shadows work & how to control shadows inside of Photoshop.
✔ You’ll gain a better understanding of how highlights work & how to control highlights inside of Photoshop.
✔ You’ll become more efficient using Photoshop by learning file organisation.
✔ You’ll learn how to collage materials in Photoshop effectively and efficiently using Layer Masks
✔ You’ll learn how to improve the detail in your architectural drawings by manipulating layers to create depth.
✔ You’ll learn how to add trees to plan drawings in the most effective way possible.
• Access to Adobe Photoshop
• Recommended to have access to SketchUp and/or Rhinoceros 3D
• No prior software skills necessary
Target Audience?
• This course is aimed at young architects / architecture students with basic photoshop skills.
Material Includes?
✔ 42 Concise Lessons to Help You Create Beautiful Site Plans
✔ All Project Files Including: 3 PDF templates, the Site Model, the Contour Model, the Final Photoshop File
✔ ALL Materials & Textures Used Including: 3 HD PNG trees, 1 HD seamless CONCRETE texture, 1 HD seamless SOIL texture, 1 HD seamless SAND texture
✔ 40+ BONUS Material Textures
✔ 5 BONUS PNG Trees
✔ Free EBOOK “How to Ace Any Project in Architecture School” (70+ Pages) Valued at $7
Course Duration?
Approximately 60 minutes to complete.
Photoshop is a key program used by architecture students and architects. Almost every work flow for architectural visualisation includes Photoshop. As a Masters student, I can vouch to say that every single one of my studios has involved Photoshop for something, from semester 1 through to semester 7.
Learning Photoshop on your own can be difficult. Photoshop is not just used for architectural visualisation. Definitely not. Photoshop is a tool used by many different industries, hence why it’s so difficult to learn. There are thousands of tools available to you, but finding the ones you need is not an easy task. That’s why I decided to create this Photoshop Site Plan Course for architecture students and young architects, because of this steep learning curve.
You can follow along with my studio 5 project site plan, from modelling up the site through to adding the final trees. The course provides you with all of the resources I use in the training, my project files, material textures, PNG trees, site analysis studies and even a free 70 page eBook I wrote, “How to Ace Any Project in Architecture School”.
Join me as I recreate my studio 5 site plan, using principles I’ve learned over my bachelor’s degree as well as final years of high school.
Get access to all 42 of the Photoshop Site Plan Course Lessons, project files, my material library, bonus eBooks and resources and more with the course on my website
Resources Mentioned
Get Access to the Full Course
Further Watching
- 15 Must Have Tools for Architecture Students:
- The 7 DEADLIEST Mistakes Architecture Students Make:
- Why Do Architecture Students Drop Out?:
- 7 Tips for Studying Architecture – The Secret Habits of Successful Architecture Students:
Other Resources:
- Get access to your FREE online architecture course! 70 Hacks for Archi Students
- Check out other episodes of the Successful Archi Student’s podcast!