From the number of memes and stories you hear from architecture students not sleeping, one should think that architecture students don’t sleep. I want to answer the question, do architecture students sleep?
Do Architecture Students Sleep?
Architecture students are the most sleep-deprived majors in America. It’s official. Sleeping just 5.28 hours, topping the charts in front of nursing and biochemistry at 5.69 hours.
However, scientific studies show that sleep is linked to important brain functions such as productivity, concentration and cognition.
With architecture being such a mentally requiring job that involves a high amount of concentration – why is it that architecture students don’t get as much sleep as they should? How can they function without turning into brainless zombies?
Well, that’s because architecture students aren’t human.
Jokes aside – we are human. And we do sleep.
The question remains – why don’t architecture students get as much sleep as other humans require? Why are we still forced to do all-nighters?
The answer – poor time management.
It goes a lot further beyond this vast concept of “time management”. So, in today’s video, I want to share a few ideas about sleep.
Feel free to skip through the episode (video or audio) to find a topic you like:
0:00 Architecture Student’s Don’t Sleep . . . right??
1:30 Why is Sleep Important as an Architecture Student?
2:24 Why Do We Not Get as Much Sleep As We Need? “All-Night” Culture
3:18 10 Architecture Students Share Their Best Advice for Sleep in Architecture School
7:14 5 Tips to Balance a Healthy Sleep Routine in Architecture School
11:02 Do Architecture Students Sleep? (From My Experience)
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UP Your Sleeping Game in Architecture School & Avoid All-Nighters
“Success in anything is really this idea of consistent behaviour.
It doesn’t matter if you’re taking small or large steps, as long as you’re stepping in the right direction – you’re going to get to where you’re trying to go.
This is opposed to taking a massive jump and falling flat on your face.”