We all experience it...
Some days we’re fired up to study, other days, we are not. The key to overcome that lack of confidence is what I talk about in today’s episode of the architecture podcast.
Along with this question from Khawaja (IG @kh_muhammad_ali), I also answer his other questions about getting into architecture school and how to figure out if it’s the right path to take. A list of the questions can be found below.
Get my new ebook! “How to Ace Any Project in Architecture School”
In the 18th episode of the Successful Architecture Student podcast, I answer 4 questions by Khawaja.
- “How good do you need to be in art to go for an undergraduate degree in architecture?”
- “What is the difference between architectural design and architectural engineering?”
- “How much should I know about architecture before leaving for college?”
- “As I’m making up my mind for architecture, I sometimes get a self doubt that I don’t know if I would be able to do architecture. Is this common? How should I overcome this fear?”
- Setting Goals : http://successfularchistudent.com/the-successful-archi-students-podcast-1-welcome-the-1-tip-to-achieve-success-as-an-architecture-student/
- How to be (and stay) motivated to study : http://successfularchistudent.com/5/
- What skills do you need as an architect? : http://successfularchistudent.com/7/
I hope you enjoy the show! Feel free to discuss anything in the comments below. I try to respond to every comment 🙂
Hey! My name’s Kyle.
From a sample of 25,000 students that applied to enter architecture school:
15.30% of them were accepted.
8.50% of them made it through to the second half of their education.
2.04% of them were awarded a degree in Architecture (post-graduate)
0.78% of them ended up working a job in architecture.
Successful Archi Student is a platform for architecture students to learn off one another to become the LESS THAN 1% of students who end up being successful in the profession.
On the podcast, you’ll hear from practicing architects, other successful students and myself, Kyle, a third year architecture student from South Australia.
Doing so, you’ll learn the tips and tricks to excel past the rest of your cohort and build the skills needed to take your work to another level.
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Episode 18 Transcript. Not sure if you’re going to make it? HOW TO OVERCOME LACK OF CONFIDENCE
This is the successful students podcast episode 18.
G’day, everybody. Welcome to the podcast episode 18. Today I’m gonna be answering a couple of questions I had sent in on the Instagram page, I get questions pretty much every day, I get multiple DMs and emails asking me different questions about architecture and architecture school. And so rather than me typing, like this long last message I’ve got here, where I had to spend 20 minutes writing, I’m gonna just talk because I find it a lot easier to talk and type. So, Mohammed, what’s his name? Khawaja Muhammad Ali, sent me a message saying a lot of stuff actually.
He says, “I’m a high school student and I have an interest for architecture. But I have a few queries about the field. I hope you’ll be able to clear them up for me. So my questions are, one, how good you need to be an art for going an undergraduate degree in architecture.” How good you have to be an art to be able to do architecture? And the point I made here was something that I’ve said a lot in my other videos, but I thought I’d clarify in this video as well. And so what I say to this question is that you don’t need any art skills whatsoever to be able to study architecture. And people might be thinking well, but you need to be able to hand draw and create models and renders and all this stuff. You need to be artistic and creative.
Yes, it’s a good idea to be creative and artistic and to have those skills beforehand, by not having those skills. It’s not going to make you any less of an architect, or any less of a student. So what I said to this was that, “I already have a couple of YouTube videos on this, and I’ll put those links either in the description or in the cards in the top left or right wherever the button is. And really, what I say is that you don’t need any art skills whatsoever. It won’t make any it won’t make it any more difficult if you don’t, and it won’t make you any less of an architect once you graduate. And the idea is that you learn all the necessary skills along the way as there are no requirements to study architecture. So saying that any kind of art skills and creative skills will make you a better architect, but not having them won’t make you any less of one.
And so his next question was “what is the difference between architecture design and architectural engineering?” And this might seem obvious for some people, but for people that haven’t done architecture or haven’t done engineering or looked into it before, this is obviously something that needs to be answered. So, the difference between the architecture and architectural design and architectural engineering is that occupation design is focused on designing forms and spaces for clients. Whereas the architect and sense of his work to an architectural engineer who does all the maths and all the calculations, etc, to make sure that that the building is safe and that it will stand up and that actually can be built.
Engineering is a lot more mathematical, whereas the architectural design kind of side is more creative. Although you still will be doing a lot of technical drawings and a lot of putting stuff together. But the engineer is the one that calculates it and make sure that it complies with all the kind of principles and laws in the world that make things stand up, then obviously doing social engineering is going to require a lot of physics and mathematical skills, and a lot of software skills as well.
His third question was, “how much should I know about architecture beforehand, leaving for college? And this is exactly the same as my first answer. You don’t need any pre requirements, but having the skills that I talked about in this other video is going to help you. It’s just not having those skills isn’t gonna make you any worse.
His fourth question really resonated with me because I feel like this is going to be something that a lot of you guys come across. And he says, “as I’m making my mind up for architecture, I sometimes get a self doubt that I don’t know if I should almost be our to do architecture is this common and how should I overcome this fear?” So what I said to this is that “everyone comes across this, myself included, it’s not easy, and it can be quite overwhelming. But just know that you’ve got this, as long as you are passionate, you will be able to make it and you will go far.” And so I’ve actually linked him to a video of mine as well that is one of the podcast episodes that says actually gain and keep your motivation to study. So if you’re finding yourself getting self doubt about if you’re going to make it or not, if you’re going to do well, just make sure you’re writing down your goals and your reverse engineering them. So what that means is that you have a goal in mind, you have a dream that you want, you might want to be an architect, and you might want to own your own house and you might want to have your own firm maybe. So you go to reverse engineer from that goal. And you’ll be like, well, in the next 10 years, this is what I need to do. And by having a goal in your mind or written on paper more specifically, it’s really going to drive you and help push you to getting more done to staying motivated to staying on track because you’ve got a clear vision of what What you’re going for, it’s like, if you don’t have a vision, you don’t have plans. It’s like closing your eyes or wearing a blindfold while playing darts and trying to hit a target. You know what I mean? Trying to get the bullseye, you know, you’re only going to get it if you’re lucky.
So your blindfolded and you’re trying to hit the dartboard, the only way you’re going to hit it is if you’re lucky. And so the idea here is to have a clear vision have a goal in mind. And that might be in the sense that you’re writing down your goals on paper, and you’re giving it proper thought and analysis, and making sure it’s something that’s doable. And that’s something is that you’re passionate about that is driving you. So I honestly think that’s the way you can overcome fear of not knowing if you’re going to make it or not, because if you write down your goals, it makes it so much easier. You got a clear vision and a clear target to aim for. And it’s really going to drive you the rest of the way that you need. That really helps defeat this idea of running an uphill marathon. Yeah, it’s really going to help pull you rather than you trying to push it and so on.
I hope that answered your questions for you. And if anyone else has any questions, please feel free to ask them on the forum. Or send me a DM, I will answer them. And I usually spend a long time answering questions every morning. Every morning, I’ll check my DMs, check my emails, and I’ll reply to everyone.
Also, if you guys haven’t read my new ebook, How to Ace Any Project in Architecture School, you have to check it out. And like, I’m just I’m so amazed at how many people have been enjoying it and how many people have been reviewing it and saying that it’s changing the way that they study. And this is me kind of selflessly plugging my book because I know that it’s going to be so valuable to you, and I really want you to pick it up. If you haven’t already, please do check it out. The link is in the description.
And if you want to check out the show notes for this episode, you can do by clicking the link in the bio description, whatever you call it, and you’ll be able to get some other resources like that you can listen to the podcast instead or you can read the transcripts. And you can also see some of the resources that I’ve been talking about in this episode and one final message if you guys are here and you haven’t subscribed, you must subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss out. And please do click that bell because you’ll be then notified about when I post a new video and you won’t ever miss out on great content again, please do like the video as well because it really does help me and please leave a comment because I will read that and I’ll get back to you. Thank you guys so much and I’ll see you in the next episode of the Successful Archi Students Podcast.
If you have a project you want to delve in to and discuss, or you have some useful tips for other students you think would be helpful, please, send me an email to kyle@successfularchistudent.com and get in touch about it!
Otherwise, direct message me on Instagram @successfularchistudent and I’ll be keen to set up a skype call.
Resources Mentioned
Join the best community for Architecture students! http://successfularchistudent.com/community/
Ask me a question to get answered on the podcast! http://successfularchistudent.com/community/get-help/
Setting Goals
How to be (and stay) motivated to study
What skills do you need as an architect?
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