The Successful Archi Student’s Podcast

The Importance of Architectural Sketching - Why You NEED TO SKETCH as an Architecture Student

The Importance of Architectural Sketching – Why You NEED TO SKETCH as an Architecture Student

With architectural software taking and new technology being brought into this world for designing, how come universities still focus on learning hand sketching?

I was just re-watching the interview I had with the legend David Drazil from Sketch Like an Architect (

Throughout that interview, he makes some strong points about why architectural sketching is still relevant (and will always be) and why it’s important to learn architectural sketching as an architecture student.

What Do You Learn in Architecture School - What to Expect to Study as an Architecture Student

What Do You Learn in Architecture School? What to Expect to Study as an Architecture Student

Nearing the end of my architectural bachelor’s degree, I wanted to share what I’ve learnt over the past 3 years of architecture school so that you can know what to expect as an architecture student.

I want to look over all the classes I’ve had and what I’ve had to do for those classes. This should help you understand the kind of work you’ll be doing in architecture school and what you can expect to learn. I also want to share with you some advice that I wish I knew if I could go back in time.

So, let’s rewind all the way back to day 1 as an architecture student.