How to Draw Diagrammatic Architectural Floor Plans
Organising Space with Architecture Diagrams
Learn how to draw diagrammatic architectural floor plans. Organise space with diagrams for your architecture projects.
How to Draw Diagrammatic Architectural Floor Plans
G’day! I’m Kyle. I’ve decided to do a series on architectural drawing. The first part, we’ll be looking at floor plans. Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be releasing some videos to help you understand architectural floor plans from the real beginner stuff, that I quite seriously struggled to understand when starting out in architecture school, to some of the more advanced tips and tricks for drawing neat, legible, sexy architectural floor plans that your architecture teachers will love.
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This is the third lesson in the “How to Draw Architectural Floor Plans” Course available here on Youtube. You can view the full course here:
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to draw diagrammatic architectural floor plans using quick sketches.
In the previous 2 lessons, we found out what a floor plan actually is and where scale comes into it.
We discovered that there are different kinds of floor plans, diagrammatic plans, sketch plans, rendered plans and documentation plans. In this lesson, we’ll be learning a simple kind of floor plan – probably not what you expect a floor plan to look like – but one that is essential in the progression of developing a design.
We’ll be organising space with diagrammatic floor plans. Not looking at scale, not looking at dimensioning, just the organisation of space, form and other conditions such as lighting, orientation, ventilation and so forth.
I’m going to take an example from the studio 6 project I’m working on at the moment for uni. I’ve got a brief to design a mixed-use medium density building. I’ve come up with a concept to have a stacking and offsetting of spaces and now want to start organising them, so they have some sort of flow and connection to each other.
Note: the way I would usually organise the spaces isn’t by just working in floor plan view- I might also diagram in section, get into SketchUp or Rhino and start looking at the forms in 3d form. The idea is not to have perfect spaces from diagramming – they are to act as an initial strategy that can further be developed as you progress. Architecture is all about iteration and changing things over time. This is just a great place to start.
In the next lesson, we’ll start looking at sketch floor plans. These sketch floor plans are to scale but just rough, quick drawings to develop our designs. Sketch floor plans take the diagrammatic plans one step further.
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Resources Mentioned
Further Watching
- 15 Must Have Tools for Architecture Students:
- The 7 DEADLIEST Mistakes Architecture Students Make:
- Why Do Architecture Students Drop Out?:
- 7 Tips for Studying Architecture – The Secret Habits of Successful Architecture Students:
Other Resources:
- Get access to your FREE online architecture course! 70 Hacks for Archi Students
- Check out other episodes of the Successful Archi Student’s podcast!